Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Gender scoreboard
The Cambodian Millennium Development Goals have highlighted the government commitment in working towards time-bound and measurable achievement in the areas of poverty reduction,health,education.The gender equality remains a major issue in most of areas of socio economic life despite government commitment to female empowerment.Today women face discrimination in all aspects of life.Girls still face discrimination at levals of the education system.
The current situation in combodia is lower secondary school only 63 girls for every 100 boys are enrolled in school.Although women are a primary focus of CMDG health goals,poor quality,health care,lack of access to health care services, reproductive healty problem,that threat of HIV/AIDS and infant mortality rates all contribute to the poor health status of women.The half of all HIV infections involve tranmission from husband to wires and one third from mother to child and the number of women currently living with HIV continues to increase.The government has also adopted legislation that ensures women right are promoted and protected.As a signatory to CEDAW, the combodia government has committed to enabling "The full and equal enjoyment of all human right and fundamental freedoms by women and girls is a priority".Despite these commitments,however women' right are regularly violated.In combodia has 326 rape cases were reported to ADITO and 3.9%rape cases on girls aged less than 5 years old.The 73%of offenders have been known by victims (2.86 is father,7% is step father,2%is uncle).Government has had a great effort to disseminate the equal right laws in accessing to the same benefits in order to gradually eliminate discrimination based on sex.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Interpersonal skills refer to mental and communicative that applied during social communications and interaction to reach certain effects or results.Normally the term of interpersonal skill as often used in business deal or business that need to talk to the customer.Interpersonal skills is how people relate to one another.Sometimes,we understood that communucating is respect to other people or professionals within will enable one to reduce conflict and increase in obtaining information or having good relationship between one another.But,interpersonal skill mostly used in business deal which interpersonal skill involve using communication skill effectively.So that,business people can improve their business using communication skills like active listening and tone of voice will gain more people to cooperate with them.It is how well we communicate with others.Besides,the interpersonal communication skills in the workplace also plays the main role in business deal because interpersonal communication as a vital to the company's success because a good communication will lead to the success.So,when interpersonal communication skills is good among workers,automatically the company will improve in productivity,performance and bottom line.However,interpersonal communication skills not just use in in business deal only but it coverage all the deal and communication that we involved in our daily life.Interpersonal communication is how physically we conctact with other people.Sometimes,people defined interpersonal communication occur when we know to each others for some times.We also can gain knowledge about other people so we can easily adapt the other people way and so that we can communicate with them effectively.Sometimes,it will help us better understand someone says so we will easily can cooperate with other in any kind of work we do.So, we must have good interpersonal communication skill in our daily life to make sure that we have a better life and relationship with others.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


The otherkins are a group of people who believe their soul originated as something other from than human.the source of that origin as varied as the induviduals themselves.these can range from creatures of various mythologies(i.e,faeries,dragons,vampires etc.) tofigures of more conventional spritual beliefs (i.e Angels, Demons) as well as but not limited to these and even more fanciful types, (i.e starseeds, extra-terrestials, or anyother variety). The explosion of otherkin groups and the spread of this beliefs is due in number of small part with the accessibilty of the Internet, allowing these groups to congregate and exchange ideas. Otherkins believe themself to be things that don't even exists.

Each of these otherkins types undergoes a process that is often called called an Awakening. this awakening, according to several otherkins sources is a process that brings about a spiritual transformation of the individuals, taking them from their 'mundane' life and connecting, or in some cases reconnecting them with their"other"selves and all of the attributes associated with it.

It is much debated as to the substance of this sub-culture believe, as well as the mental stability of those who hold this believe. Otherkins differ from furres(although not by much) in furries like to dress up and pretend, while otherkins belief they really are non-human and don't usually dress up. Otherkins go for mythological creatures, almost always with wings.