Sunday, October 11, 2009


Perth is the capital and largest city of the Australian state of Western Australia. Perth ranks fourth among the nation's cities.This is because it's population aproximately 1,650,000.Perth situated in Swan River.The Swan River Colony was a British settlement established at the Swan River on the west coast of Australia the time of the founding of Perth in 1829. Perth was founded on 12 June 1829 by Captain James Stirling as the political centre of the free-settler Swan River Colony .The Round House is the oldest building still standing in Westwern Australia.It is located at Arthur Head in Fremantle, and recent heritage assessments and appraisals of the precinct of the Round House incorporate Arthur Head.It was built in 1830, and designed by Henry Willey Reveley it was the first permanent building in the Swan River Colony.
Intended as a prison, it had eight cells and a jailer's residence, all of which opened onto a central courtyard. The design was based on the Panopticon, a type of prison designed by philosopher Jeremy Bentham.It was used for colonial and indigenous prisoners until 1886, when control of the Convict Establishment prison (now Fremental Prison) was transferred to the colony. After that, the smaller Round House was used as a police lockup until 1900, when it became the living quarters for the chief constable and his family.
The Round House had a plaque placed by the Royal Western Historical Society as part of commemorating historical sites in theWestern Australia Concentery year of 1929.
The Fremantle City Council took over responsibility for the Round House in 1982, and it was opened to the public shortly afterwards. Currently it opens to the public seven days a week. Entry is by gold coin donation.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Have you ever been at a conference or a show where the speaker gave a speech and you walked out sighing in amazement at the power and movement it possessed?For information orator is a person who delivers a speech or oration,also a skilled and eloquent public spaeker.Meanwhile oration is an elobarate discourse delivered in a formal and dignified manner.According to the main title,what is oratory?Oratory is a speech that goes above and beyond and take its listeners to a level of capivation and understanding that is trance like.
Buehler and Johanneson defined oratory as a memorized,original,persuasive speech,dealing with worth-while subject matter of timely interest,demonstrating qualities of logic,organization,language and delivery,and producing an effect of eloquence which is far above to ordinary.
Oratory uses the principles of the art of 'RHETORIC'.Rhetoric is one of the oldest disciplines that are still actively studied around the world.
The firts orator were called 'SOPHIST'.They spoke an political issues and also taught others how to speak.Oratory is a critical support to democracy.Today it is found primarily in the government but also with our religous figures,actors,and other public speaker.
Who was known as the Boy Orator,William Jennings Bryon,gifted orator and three times presendential candidate,was known The Boy Orator.
In our country,Malaysia also have many orator.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Contemporary art can be defined variously as art produced at this present point in time or art produced since world war 2.The definition of the word contemporary would support the first view,but museums of contemporary art commonly define their collections as consisting of art produced since world war 2.Contemporary art is exhibited by commercial contemporary art galleries,private collectors,corporations,publicly funded arts organizations,contemporary art museums, or by artists.There are close relationship between publicly funded contemporary art organizations and the commercial sector.For example,in Britain a handful of dealers represent the artists featured in leading publicly funded contemporary art museums.Individual collectors also can wield considerable influence in this contemporary art.Corporations have attempted to intergrate themselves into the contemporary art world.
The institutions of art have been criticised for regulating what is designed as contemporary art.For example,outsider art is literally contemporary art.Sometimes,a ceramic object that is intended as a subversive comment on the nature beauty is more likely to fit the definition of contemporary art then one that is simply beautiful.
Contemporary art can sometimes seem at oods with public does not feel that art and its institutions share its values.Contemporary art is the art that have different part of art.So.all types of art is very beautiful and unique to discover and know about it.Because art is a part of our life.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009



The people of sabah are varied in their respective cultural background.The indigenous population is made up of some 30 group using more than 50 indigenous languages and not less than 80 dialects.The largest ethnic group in sabah is dusun/kadazan which comprise about one third of the population.They are traditionally farmers practising wet rice and riverine fishing.The subgroups within the dusun/kadazan group which include the kadazan of penampang and paper,the lotud, the rungus and other subgroups from the tempasuk,tambunan,ranau.They are share a common belief syetem with variations in customs and practise.This ethnic group uses the kadazandusun language as their mother tongue.The murut also one of ethnic group in sabah.The muruts inhabit the interior and south-eastern parts of sabah and the territory straddling the kalimantan and sarawak border.They are mostly shifting cultivators and hunters with some riverine fishing.The bajau and kindred groups have settled on sabah's coasts for several hundred and have been classified as part of the indigenous population.On the west coasts, they are farmers and are well known for their expert horsemanship.On the east coasts they are traditionally fisherman.Other recently settled indigenous people in the sabah include suluks,various southern filipino ethnic group, the lundayehs and ibans from sarawak and kalimantan and other of malay racial stock from indonesia.While some of these indigenous people still maintain their traditional way of life,many other have gone public like white and blue collar workers,businessman,civil servants and politicians.The largest non-indigenous group in sabah is chinese.They have settled in sabah over the past century and the rank the largest ethnic group after the dusun/kadazan.The ethnic group are distinguished from each other by their respective customs and practise as well as their material culture especially costumes, styles and use of personal omaments.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Gender scoreboard
The Cambodian Millennium Development Goals have highlighted the government commitment in working towards time-bound and measurable achievement in the areas of poverty reduction,health,education.The gender equality remains a major issue in most of areas of socio economic life despite government commitment to female empowerment.Today women face discrimination in all aspects of life.Girls still face discrimination at levals of the education system.
The current situation in combodia is lower secondary school only 63 girls for every 100 boys are enrolled in school.Although women are a primary focus of CMDG health goals,poor quality,health care,lack of access to health care services, reproductive healty problem,that threat of HIV/AIDS and infant mortality rates all contribute to the poor health status of women.The half of all HIV infections involve tranmission from husband to wires and one third from mother to child and the number of women currently living with HIV continues to increase.The government has also adopted legislation that ensures women right are promoted and protected.As a signatory to CEDAW, the combodia government has committed to enabling "The full and equal enjoyment of all human right and fundamental freedoms by women and girls is a priority".Despite these commitments,however women' right are regularly violated.In combodia has 326 rape cases were reported to ADITO and 3.9%rape cases on girls aged less than 5 years old.The 73%of offenders have been known by victims (2.86 is father,7% is step father,2%is uncle).Government has had a great effort to disseminate the equal right laws in accessing to the same benefits in order to gradually eliminate discrimination based on sex.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Interpersonal skills refer to mental and communicative that applied during social communications and interaction to reach certain effects or results.Normally the term of interpersonal skill as often used in business deal or business that need to talk to the customer.Interpersonal skills is how people relate to one another.Sometimes,we understood that communucating is respect to other people or professionals within will enable one to reduce conflict and increase in obtaining information or having good relationship between one another.But,interpersonal skill mostly used in business deal which interpersonal skill involve using communication skill effectively.So that,business people can improve their business using communication skills like active listening and tone of voice will gain more people to cooperate with them.It is how well we communicate with others.Besides,the interpersonal communication skills in the workplace also plays the main role in business deal because interpersonal communication as a vital to the company's success because a good communication will lead to the success.So,when interpersonal communication skills is good among workers,automatically the company will improve in productivity,performance and bottom line.However,interpersonal communication skills not just use in in business deal only but it coverage all the deal and communication that we involved in our daily life.Interpersonal communication is how physically we conctact with other people.Sometimes,people defined interpersonal communication occur when we know to each others for some times.We also can gain knowledge about other people so we can easily adapt the other people way and so that we can communicate with them effectively.Sometimes,it will help us better understand someone says so we will easily can cooperate with other in any kind of work we do.So, we must have good interpersonal communication skill in our daily life to make sure that we have a better life and relationship with others.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


The otherkins are a group of people who believe their soul originated as something other from than human.the source of that origin as varied as the induviduals themselves.these can range from creatures of various mythologies(i.e,faeries,dragons,vampires etc.) tofigures of more conventional spritual beliefs (i.e Angels, Demons) as well as but not limited to these and even more fanciful types, (i.e starseeds, extra-terrestials, or anyother variety). The explosion of otherkin groups and the spread of this beliefs is due in number of small part with the accessibilty of the Internet, allowing these groups to congregate and exchange ideas. Otherkins believe themself to be things that don't even exists.

Each of these otherkins types undergoes a process that is often called called an Awakening. this awakening, according to several otherkins sources is a process that brings about a spiritual transformation of the individuals, taking them from their 'mundane' life and connecting, or in some cases reconnecting them with their"other"selves and all of the attributes associated with it.

It is much debated as to the substance of this sub-culture believe, as well as the mental stability of those who hold this believe. Otherkins differ from furres(although not by much) in furries like to dress up and pretend, while otherkins belief they really are non-human and don't usually dress up. Otherkins go for mythological creatures, almost always with wings.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Wedding day is the most beautiful day in life of an indian bride and groom.Furthermore,in this special occasion when all eyes are starring at the bride and groom.Of course the bride and groom wants to look extremely,gorgeous,and beautiful.Indian weddings are very delightful events,full with ritual and celebration that continue for several day.It is not small occasion because 400-1000 peoples attending the wedding.The true Indian wedding is about two families getting married socially with much less emphasis on the individuals involved.Many of the wedding customs are common and normal among the hindu,sikhs,buddha and even muslims.Wedding are combination of local,religion and family traditions.For infomation the wedding have many steps.Before the wedding day,will be Byaha Haath which is this ceromony signifies the purifying the mind,body and soul of bride and groom.The day time of the ceromony,the bride will be prepare for the nuptials uptain which is a mixed paste of sandalwood,tumeric and rose water which is applied by unmarried seven female members or the families to the faces,hand and feet of the bride.After ceremony the bride and groom are not allowed to step outside the house before the actual wedding.After that,Vermala is the next phaseof the marriage ceremony.The main wedding event are when the groom arrived with his family which is called Baraat and the song are played here and there.The most main part of Indian wedding satarts when the groom and the bride sit beside the fire and the priestgive blessfull to them.Then the bride and the groom attire are tied together and they will go around the fire seven times.Each time round the fire means a part of life.Indian wedding is very wonderful...