Tuesday, September 8, 2009



The people of sabah are varied in their respective cultural background.The indigenous population is made up of some 30 group using more than 50 indigenous languages and not less than 80 dialects.The largest ethnic group in sabah is dusun/kadazan which comprise about one third of the population.They are traditionally farmers practising wet rice and riverine fishing.The subgroups within the dusun/kadazan group which include the kadazan of penampang and paper,the lotud, the rungus and other subgroups from the tempasuk,tambunan,ranau.They are share a common belief syetem with variations in customs and practise.This ethnic group uses the kadazandusun language as their mother tongue.The murut also one of ethnic group in sabah.The muruts inhabit the interior and south-eastern parts of sabah and the territory straddling the kalimantan and sarawak border.They are mostly shifting cultivators and hunters with some riverine fishing.The bajau and kindred groups have settled on sabah's coasts for several hundred and have been classified as part of the indigenous population.On the west coasts, they are farmers and are well known for their expert horsemanship.On the east coasts they are traditionally fisherman.Other recently settled indigenous people in the sabah include suluks,various southern filipino ethnic group, the lundayehs and ibans from sarawak and kalimantan and other of malay racial stock from indonesia.While some of these indigenous people still maintain their traditional way of life,many other have gone public like white and blue collar workers,businessman,civil servants and politicians.The largest non-indigenous group in sabah is chinese.They have settled in sabah over the past century and the rank the largest ethnic group after the dusun/kadazan.The ethnic group are distinguished from each other by their respective customs and practise as well as their material culture especially costumes, styles and use of personal omaments.


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